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Every person and every group is different, so there is no single 'answer' to the problems, challenges, frustrations and opportunities being faced. But I have developed a range of tools, techniques and approaches which have been found to be helpful by many different people in many different situations.

What I will do first is to listen and seek to understand what you are concerned about, what you care about and what you are looking for.

The most important thing I do is to create a safe space in which people can talk about things which matter to them, and then gently guide the conversation so that old problems and barriers do not get in the way of progress. I often offer different ways of understanding familiar things, and this new understanding can open up different possibilites which were not seen before.

Both people and organisations can become fixated on things which have 'worked' in the past but are now no longer delivering in the same way. Too often, we work to patch up the old wine skins, when God is calling us to get ready for some new wine. Moving forward always involves a degree of letting go; the old - or parts of the old - must die so that the new can live. This is never easy.

Most of us are primarily comfortable either in active or in passive roles. In the Christian life, this divides into the people who focus on the 'spiritual' areas, and those who focus on practical needs - the contemplatives and the activists; those who focus on who we are in Christ, and those who focus on what He calls us to do in Christian service; those who concentrate on being, and those who concentrate on doing.

In God's economy, both are essential. I suspect that God is calling His Church to a new level of integration and harmony. This means much more than mutual tolerance. Perhaps those who love to meditate on Scripture need to learn to get their hands dirty, and those who never stop need to learn to really feed on God's Word.

Along similar lines, every ministry is essentially a combination of two quite distinct activities:

Few of us are equally good in these two areas - another reason why we need to be in a Body - and many people and organisations benefit from help in at least one of these ways.

This is all terribly abstract, but more specifical examples are available ...

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Copyright © 2021 Paul Hazelden
services.php was last updated 15 January 2021
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