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Christian Action Bristol
Initial Thoughts


This page is essentially a record of discussions with people involved in the Forum for Change 'Politics and Social Action' sphere.

The main focus of this page is the 'Politics' aspect of 'Politics and Social Action' because most of the social action part is being addressed in the BCAN discussion.

However, the way in which Politics and Social Action link with each other is one of the vital details we need to work out.

'Politics' is the word we use for the process of making things happen. We can't avoid it: as soon as you have more than one person involved in making something happen, there you have politics in some form.

We are looking for people who are interested in reforming or transforming society – people who want to make a difference.


Join the email list and we will send you details of the meetings and activities. The messages will be infrequent, and you can unsubscribe at any time.


We have held an initial meeting for the Christians who are interested in politics and social action.


We need to produce a list of the people who are identified in public as Christians with an interest in politics.

The current list:

If you would like to be added to this list, please complete the 'Planning' form, or fill in the shorter contact form.

There also needs to be a private list for people who are interested in this subject, but who do not wish to be identified in public in this way.


We need to produce a list of the projects and activities which are political in nature and identified in some way as being Christian, or of particular interest to Christians in Bristol.

The current list:


Similarly, we need a list of relevant resources.





Copyright © 2021 Paul Hazelden
index.php was last updated 15 January 2021
You are welcome to print this page for your personal use or create a link to it, but if you would like to use any part of this page in any other way, please contact me.

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I welcome your comments and feedback.
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