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Faith Action Survey

The survey is now complete. These pages have been retained because people are still asking about the survey, about what happened and why.


In order to be successful, the Bristol Faith Action Survey will need the support of many volunteers from across the city.

We need volunteers to help in four main ways:

In addition, there will inevitably be some administration and back office work required, to help coordinate and communicate between all the various people and groups involved.



The audit will not be successful if the people who need to participate don't know about it!

We need a network of people who will tell - and then remind! - their contacts about the audit and why matters to the faith communities and to the whole city of Bristol.

The Cinnamon Network have promised to provide us with publicity material to use, but only we can take that material and put it in front of the right people.


We need to identify who should take part in the audit in two main ways:

It is not necessary for a volunteer to have a particularly wide set of personal contacts - what is more important is the willingness to talk to the people who are likly to know about what is happening, and to follow up their links and contacts.


It is not enough for people to know about the audit - they have to understand something of the importance of this event and the relevance to them, their work, their faith community and their city.


Even today, some people are not comfortable filling in forms on the Internet. For these people, we need to find some other way of enabling the work they do to be entered into the audit.

And it is likely that some people will not quite get around to filling out the audit when it arrives, so some gentle reminders and encouragment or offers of help may well be appreciated.


For now, if you are interested in volunteering - or in finding out more about volunteering - then please contact Paul.



Copyright © 2021 Paul Hazelden
volunteers.php was last updated 15 January 2021
You are welcome to print this page for your personal use or create a link to it, but if you would like to use any part of this page in any other way, please contact me.

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