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Faith Action Survey

The survey is now complete. These pages have been retained because people are still asking about the survey, about what happened and why.


There is going to be a Faith Action Survey in Bristol, taking place in February 2015.

It is one of more than 60 surveys being organised by the Cinnamon Network across the UK. It aims to capture details about the activities being done by the faith communities to benefit the people around them.

Previous surveys of this kind have usually been called an 'audit' for some reason, and the Cinnamon Network are following this tradition. But please don't worry: you are not being audited.


The survey seeks to achieve a number of things.

At the local level:

At the national level, the Cinnamon Network plan to use the results of the survey to engage with the incoming Government to ensure the work of faith communities is taken into account from the outset.


The Cinnamon Network is doing this because it is passionate about the transforming difference that local churches and faith-based organisations make in their communities.

They have already undertaken several surveys in Chester and other places, and have seen the impact of these audits. Most importantly, the surveys have proved to be a vital tool for building effective relationships with the local statutory bodies.

Past surveys have identified the rich diversity of projects and the number of people involved, encouraged the faith communities by the amount and quality of the work being undertaken, and established the need of the local authority, Police and other statutory bodies to engage with the faith communities more effectively.


The survey is scheduled for January and February 2015, with the results being published in May shortly after the next General Election.

The survey will take place online, with a unique link to the survey being sent out to every participant at the beginning of February.

The Cinnamon Network will provide the survey tool and various other forms of support. After the audit is complete, they will analyse the data, provide us with 500 copies of the survey results and help us to arrange a launch event to publicise the survey in Bristol.

However, we in Bristol have to do the local leg work. We must identify who needs to participate in the audit, and encourage them to complete it. In a city the size and diversity of Bristol, these are both major challenges.


We need the support of faith community leaders, and also the help of volunteers from across the city.

Paul Hazelden (as the local ‘champion’, and acting as part of a working group which acts as the 'sponsor') is responsible for coordinating the audit in Bristol; but this can only be a success if the churches and faith communities support it, and if a good number of volunteers help to locate and network with the people and groups who need to take part.

The initial challenge is to communicate - to tell everyone about the audit and help them understand why it is important. The audit is a tool to record social action: it's a place to log all the good work that you do, and provide evidence of the the significant contribution that your faith group / charity / organisation makes.

This audit has the potential to transform the relationship between the faith communities and the city, but we need your support if it is to be credible and effective.


The Bristol Faith Action Survey is being supported by the following.

If you would like your name and organisation to be added to this list, please contact Paul.

Further Details

An introduction to the Cinnamon Faith Action Audits can be found at:

To supply your details and sign up to do the survey, please complete the Sign Up Form.

To find out more please contact Paul.



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index.php was last updated 15 January 2021
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